Why an Identity Data Platform Guarantees Immediate ROI

RadiantOne delivers logical, secure, and standards-based access to all the identities in your organization—so you’re free to add new applications, integrate new user populations, and grow your infrastructure to meet changing demands. This paper covers several initiatives where Radiant can provide concrete ROI by saving time, money, and hassle.

Key takeaways from this paper include:
  • Migrate away from expensive & EOL legacy systems
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    Quickly & securely deliver SSO for end users
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    Minimize custom coding for M&As & beyond

Download the paper

Learn the benefits of an Identity Data Fabric

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Three ways an Identity Data Fabric will impact your business

Your Identity Data Fabric acts as a broker between applications and identity stores, and turns identity into a rich, on-tap source of information that can be leveraged as needed for any security initiative.


  • Reduce new implementations from months—or even years—to days or weeks

  • Easily define and revise fine-grained security policies for smarter access control

  • Boost the speed and agility of your infrastructure while reducing its latency

Experience the power of RadiantOne

See for yourself. Check out the RadiantOne Identity Data Platform in action.