Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)? 

MFA is an identity authentication method requiring users or entities to provide 2+ verification factors to access a resource. Each additional factor is intended to increase the assurance that the user requesting access or communicating with the receiving system is who or what they say they are.

It combines two or more independent categories of credentials before allowing access. MFA also works for entities (like devices) looking to connect to a network. The devices would store the required two or more credentials and use them with the receiving system who would compare them to a predetermined list of devices and their credentials. MFA is an additional layer of security for any system today.

What is MFA used for?

MFA enhances network security by requiring multiple identity credentials for access. Usernames and passwords are vulnerable to brute force attacks and can be stolen by criminal actors, so adding MFA to the security protocols can reduce the success of any attack. Even if one factor is compromised, there are still other barriers to breach, and organizations have more time to take corrective and protective action.

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